Sunday, August 16, 2009

Random Bits …

Just a little post to say that we've returned from our family vacation and I'm in the process of getting caught up with everything. It was very, very hard to come home. I believe I'm a beach girl at heart. I also didn't realize how much I needed a vacation. It was wonderful to be able to spend time with the kids and my family, just sitting on the beach and soaking up the sun. My mom also taught me to play Canasta which was a lot of fun once I got the hang of it! We also had beach pics taken … so excited to see those. I rented a wide angle lens and realized I'm much more comfortable with my prime. Besides, I get better exercise. I also noticed that my children rarely look when I take their picture. I may be the queen of the walking away shots.

What's in store for MadiLu Designs? I'm working on new products, don't forget to order your holiday cards, remember that August is a special month for Ava Rosemeyer and you can purchase her Superprincess album with all proceeds going to charity. It's wonderful to see how many lives she's touched. Thank you to all who have participated. There have even been some who have been generous enough to buy for others … I love working with such thoughtful people.

I've got new marketing sets in the works and am working on custom sets. How I love custom marketing sets! I enjoy showing off the unique style of each and every photographer I work with.

I'm finishing up a new website for MadiLu … hoping to make the products more visible and simplify the ordering process. I'll share as soon as that is up. I think that's it … better go start making sure the backpacks are organized for tomorrow … wishing summer would never end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim - Looked at your album on facebook. Absolutely wonderful photos. Looks like you all had a wonderful time. Pensacola is where my hubby and I went on our honeymoom many moons ago. Loved the beaches there, they are gorgeous. I'd rather spend my time on a beach any day, it's where I belong and I need to move there. Good luck with the school year. We start a week from this wednesday. Love to know where the summer went. Take care, Denise.